Arena of valor (formerly known as Strike of Kings) is a MOBA that challenges you to participate in exciting 5v5 games. Each game lasts about fifteen minutes. Keep in mind that victory normally depends on how well you coordinate all your team members.
The Arena of Valor control system is perfectly adapted to touchscreens. You can control your character's movements using your left thumb. Similarly, use your right thumb to attack and access your hero's different skills. Plus, you can use your left thumb to purchase new equipment, which appears just below the miniature map in the upper left corner of the screen.
As usual in the genre, Arena of Valor features several different game modes, including the popular 'Ranked' or the frantic 'Valley Skirmish', where teams are made up of three players instead of five. Also, you can control over 80 different characters, each with their own strengths, weaknesses and unique skills.
Arena of Valor is, without a doubt, one of the greatest MOBAs for Android operating systems. Not only does the game feature a massive array of heroes and several different game modes, but it also includes outstanding graphics and a colossal player base.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
Frequent questions
How many heroes are available on Arena of Valor?
There are more than 100 heroes available on Arena of Valor, all of whom are ready to start the game and win the battle.
What is the file size of the Arena of Valor APK?
The Arena of Valor APK is 300MB, so you might have to free up some space on your Android device before installing the game.
How long is a match in Arena of Valor?
A match in Arena of Valor lasts about 12 to 15 minutes, since this game is designed for fast rounds.
How much MB does Arena of Valor consume in a game?
A 15-minute game of Arena of Valor consumes an average of 15 MB. This estimate includes loading the game and accessing the server.
What is the minimum age for playing Arena of Valor?
The minimum age for playing Arena of Valor is 12 years old. It has a PEGI 12 rating because it contains violence set in fantasy worlds.
Is Arena of Valor free to play?
Yes, Arena of Valor is free to play. The game also has in-app purchases for buying different customizations for the heroes you play with.
I like the AOV Global game because it has unique features and solid graphics. I hope that AOV Global will be further enhanced in the in-game aspects. Many players still want to play this game; however...See more
game ok
I like it because many characters appear.